Medellin, Colombia
Day's Ride: 0 Miles
There isn't really much to write about today. Just a lazy day in Medellin. Byron and Isabel made it into Medellin last night and then showed up at the Shamrock today at noon, and we spent the afternoon hanging out. We walked to the mall to hunt for Christmas presents; Isabel's sister in law is from just outside of Medellin and they are going to the family Christmas party. Walking through Medellin, at least in the Poblado Neighborhood, feels like being back in the States or possibly Europe. Everything is very clean and modern.

We arrived in the mall and started shopping (ewww!). I did see something kind of funny:

This store, called "Americanino" was founded in Italy....huh?
Oh well. After a few minutes of walking around the mall, Byron and I couldn't stand it anymore and left Isabel to her own devices while we went to the food court and did man order ice cream cones.
After the mall we went to their Hostel to check out the BMW that they are riding. They bottomed out yesterday coming into Medellin and smashed their oil pan pretty good; now they've got a slight leak going. They just aren't having great luck with their bike. Luckily Byron is an ace mechanic and can pretty much fix anything!

We eventually made our way back to the Shamrock where Byron and Isabel met Al and Al's ferocious guard dog Missy:

As we were hanging out in the Shamrock, I looked around and found that Al had an Oregon license plate on his wall! Oh sweet Oregon, how I miss you!

Al's also got a lot of funny stuff up on his walls. Case in point:

For Dinner tonight we strolled on over to the popular Colombian chain (not sure if it's really a Colombian chain) "Crepes and Waffles".

When I ordered two entrées, the waitress wasn't sure that I knew what I was asking for and had to get her manager who spoke a little English to make sure the big bald gringo really wanted all of that food. Of course I do, I'm a real American, and real American's eat lot's and lot's of food!

I swear, wherever I go in the world outside of the USA, I can never get enough to eat. It's a constant struggle to make sure I'm getting my 3,000-5,000 calories a day.
Sorry for not really posting anything motorcycle related. Today was totally an off day. Tomorrow Al and I (and possibly Byron and Isabel) are going to ride out to Guatape and see the sights. That's all for now.
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