Day 123 (February 15, 2013)
Gobenador Costa, Argentina to Fitz Roy, Argentina
Day's Ride: 336 Miles

Today was all Pampas.

There isn't really much to see; just lot's of scrub brush, the ocasional animal, and an unbeliavably strong crosswind.

About two hours into the ride, I felt something hit the top of my leg. I figured that something had fallen off my bike; a quick look revealed that the bolt holding my windscreen to the fairing strut had fallen out.

I pulled over and fixed it with a zip tie before turning around and riding slowly back up the road with my eyes glued to the pavement, hunting for the missing bolt. I amazed myself by actually finding it a few hundred meters back up the road:

For lunch I stopped at a roadside place for some Choripanes. Chori-pan = Chorizo (Sausage) + Pan (Bread). Essentially it's a sausage sandwich. Quite tasty.

I had to wait a few minutes while the couple that was running the joint went to get some more pan; meanwhile, I tended the meat:

I was sitting next to a small field and a little gurgling irrigation ditch; it was all very peaceful and bucholic.

The rest of the day was rather boring. I started passing lots of oil wells and eventually reached the Atlantic Ocean.

After riding for most of the day, I called it quits in the tiny little town of Fitz Roy. My rear tire was about shot by this time, so before looking for a place to stay, I went to the little Gomeria that I had seen on the edge of town and paid to have my tire changed.

I could have done it myself; however, I was pretty beat from the road and I figured that I could spare $4 to have a pro do it in about 10 minutes vice spending 30-40 minutes doing it myself.

After the tire change, I was riding around town trying to find a hotel when I noticed a small dragging feeling coming from what I thought was the new tire. I got off to check, but couldn't find anything wrong, so I kept riding. Little did I know this would cause a fairly serious problem later....
I found a decent hotel a few minutes later.

The owner turned out to be a tough negotiator. The price for nights stay: a sausage:

Luckily he settled for a few bites of my Ramen noodles and we were soon fast friends:

The hotel had wifi; unfortunately, it wasn't working and I couldn't reset the router because it was locked inside of an office that no one seemed to have a key for.
Gobenador Costa, Argentina to Fitz Roy, Argentina
Day's Ride: 336 Miles

Today was all Pampas.

There isn't really much to see; just lot's of scrub brush, the ocasional animal, and an unbeliavably strong crosswind.

About two hours into the ride, I felt something hit the top of my leg. I figured that something had fallen off my bike; a quick look revealed that the bolt holding my windscreen to the fairing strut had fallen out.

I pulled over and fixed it with a zip tie before turning around and riding slowly back up the road with my eyes glued to the pavement, hunting for the missing bolt. I amazed myself by actually finding it a few hundred meters back up the road:

For lunch I stopped at a roadside place for some Choripanes. Chori-pan = Chorizo (Sausage) + Pan (Bread). Essentially it's a sausage sandwich. Quite tasty.

I had to wait a few minutes while the couple that was running the joint went to get some more pan; meanwhile, I tended the meat:

I was sitting next to a small field and a little gurgling irrigation ditch; it was all very peaceful and bucholic.

The rest of the day was rather boring. I started passing lots of oil wells and eventually reached the Atlantic Ocean.

After riding for most of the day, I called it quits in the tiny little town of Fitz Roy. My rear tire was about shot by this time, so before looking for a place to stay, I went to the little Gomeria that I had seen on the edge of town and paid to have my tire changed.

I could have done it myself; however, I was pretty beat from the road and I figured that I could spare $4 to have a pro do it in about 10 minutes vice spending 30-40 minutes doing it myself.

After the tire change, I was riding around town trying to find a hotel when I noticed a small dragging feeling coming from what I thought was the new tire. I got off to check, but couldn't find anything wrong, so I kept riding. Little did I know this would cause a fairly serious problem later....
I found a decent hotel a few minutes later.

The owner turned out to be a tough negotiator. The price for nights stay: a sausage:

Luckily he settled for a few bites of my Ramen noodles and we were soon fast friends:

The hotel had wifi; unfortunately, it wasn't working and I couldn't reset the router because it was locked inside of an office that no one seemed to have a key for.
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